What Men Really Don’t Want in Women

Perfume stores – Just thinking of these two words will bring to mind images of pleasant, bright environments, but sometimes hazy, with hundreds of scents mingling from all directions. Men intuitively avoid women who give the same impression, alternating between ten different perfume bottles and five famous brands of toilet soap. The exaggerated intensity is particularly annoying, spreading dozens of meters away from the source. The insensitivity of olfactory cells to scents and the inability to choose natural tones of perfume are said to be related to an insensitivity to taste and, by extension, to an inappropriate lifestyle. In other words, the healthier and more sensitive a woman is, the more delicate her sense of smell and taste are. 8] tygrovaná řasenka
Ponchos – This type of clothing has its justification in the Peruvian Andes, where the weather changes rapidly during the day and clothing is a universal coolant or, conversely, a warming agent. Ponchos are all the rage in Central Europe, but have not gained the support of many men. They cover the curve of the hip awkwardly and give the impression of a bag with a slit. Most of the time we do not turn around to look at such women.
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Mascara – If applied skillfully, it moderately accentuates the look of the eyes and is usually enough to attract attention. No other elements, such as lipstick or make-up, are necessary. False eyelashes, however, are a definite “nuisance. They succeed as an attempt to attract attention, but as an object of interest, they are the exact opposite.
Shoes – Most women prefer fine shoes and have dozens of pairs in their shoe closets. Choosing the right model to match their outfits is the perfect marriage of elegance. However, the situation is different with clogs and high rollers. Both types of shoes are shaped like a bear\’s paw, as if the foot were set on a plaster base. Well, let\’s face it, a beautiful woman\’s feet don\’t really stand out in such things.