Sometimes a cheap car is better than an expensive car

I always dreamed of buying the most beautiful and expensive car. However, I didn\’t know that the price of that car was really eye-poppingly expensive. On the one hand, it is great that that car can take us absolutely wherever we want to go, for whatever time we want to go, but on the other hand, it is also really expensive, and sometimes it is better to buy a cheaper car. My car was $25,000 and it was a Ford Focus. I know some people would say that a car that cheap is useless, but that\’s not true at all.


I was terribly happy with it and drove it beautifully for at least two years. The only thing I changed in the Ford was the spark plugs. I replaced them when I bought the car, and that was really the only bad thing that happened. But I wasn\’t happy with that car. I am terribly happy with the car and I didn\’t pay that much money to invest in it. You can always find a cheaper car among other cars. Still, if you buy the cheaper one, trust me that the car will run beautifully because I was happy with it. Of course, sometimes it is better to buy a cheap one that will last longer than an expensive one that may break down soon.


Some of those expensive cars have the problem of suddenly not running. This is all really today\’s technology, because no one knows when it will stop running. But if you can get by with a cheap car like mine, you can definitely find such cars. And believe me. Expensive does not mean better. Each person has to find his or her own way. Each person is comfortable with different things, so you need to be yourself.

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