Mobile Phones and Nowadays

I always wanted a cell phone. What annoyed me the most, for example, was that all my friends already had cell phones, but I didn\’t have one at all. And I never understood why my parents didn\’t want me to have a cell phone. I asked my parents and they said I didn\’t need one. Really? I asked why I needed a cell phone if I wasn\’t going to use it to make calls anyway. They were right. I just really enjoyed my cell phone. I was the only one in our group who did not have a cell phone. I was about 11 years old. Cell phones were common among young people back then, but I think it was only for rich and affluent families. But I wasn\’t rich at all, and I had an allowance of 50 kroner a month, so what could I buy with that? Well, I wouldn\’t be able to buy anything, unfortunately. This is how it used to be.

Mobil se dá propojit taky s tabletem.

And now I\’m an adult and have my own fancy cell phone. Luckily, I make a lot of money so I can afford a better cell phone. And my son is six and already has a cell phone. I don\’t mind at all that a little kid has a cell phone. I mean, what\’s wrong with that? Times have moved on, and there\’s no reason why a child shouldn\’t have a cell phone in this day and age.

Mobil a PC je u nás doma už klasika.

And it doesn\’t matter if the child has an interactive toy or a cell phone. And it is exactly the same. Everything makes noise and the child plays with it. It does not matter if the child is playing with a robot toy or a teddy bear, for example, or a cell phone that also has games. And if one play session lasts for an hour, it doesn\’t matter, in my opinion. Or what is the problem? What about you and your cell phone? I already consider a cell phone to be a totally normal thing that every modern person has.

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