King of the Tigers

Ussuri tiger(Latin: Panthera tigris altaica) is the largest subspecies of this cat in the world. In the wild,it inhabits the Far East region and occurs mainly in the harsh conditions of Primorsky Krai (Russian Federation), where the Ussuri River originated. A small part of the wild population also lives in the border areas of China. This impressive species of animals stood in the 40s. In the 1960s, when its number fell to about 20, it was on the verge of extinction. But, fortunately, over time, the hunting of these tigers and the creation of the first protected areas were completely banned. Currently, the number of Ussuri tigers in the wild is estimated to exceed 500.

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The establishment of protected areasmainly by protecting its natural habitat and also by protecting the tigers themselves, especially from poachers and smugglers, the growing problem of the tiger population is the interest of wealthy people to become owners of this beast and breed privately, but believing in the impact of different parts of the tiger\’s body on human health, not just the parts of the tiger\’s body. Various products made from them are in great demand, especially in Asia, and have the greatest interest in tiger bones, fur, teeth and claws, but most of them are made from tiger bones, fur, teeth and claws.
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The survival of Ussuri tigers as a species is also encouraged by their relatively successfulbreeding in captivity, particularly in zoos and similar facilities. Tigers manage breeding, and professionally conducted breeding also helps to maintain genetic balance within the world. However, unlike many other animal species, the return of individuals to the wild is a problem, and experts are intensively working to solve this problem (in Russia, they have strong support from President Vladimir Putin). The tiger is lonely and needs a large territory for its life.In addition, adequate forests are often “fished”, so they must provide enough food, which is problematic even in large areas of the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the Czech RepublicThis largest species of tiger is bred in many zoos, including the Prague Zoo, Zlín Zoo and Olomouc Zoo. A unique opportunity to meet these tigers is provided by the Siberian tiger oasis located in the neighboringSlovakia, near the village of Kostolnápridunaji. The goal of this private facility is to save Usritra and preserve its gene pool. There are dozens of tigers in the facility, and you can use a spacious enclosure that simulates the natural environment, such as the water that tigers like to cool down. The oasis is open to the public and also helps to spread awareness of the need to protect endangered flora and fauna and natural ecosystems.

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