
Elephants are the largest land mammals in the world. They weigh about 100 kilograms and live to be 70 years old. The elephant\’s relative was the mammoth, which lived in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. According to experts, this herbivore was about the same height as an elephant. They became extinct about 4,000 years ago, perhaps because of climate change or because they were hunted to extinction by humans who hunted them for their meat and tusks. Today, elephants are divided into three species. Indian elephants, African elephants, and fir elephants.

The Indian elephant is the closest relative of the mammoth. More than half of these elephants live directly in India. The Indian elephant is smaller than the African elephant. Their ears are also smaller than those of African elephants. These elephants are widely used for labor and carrying heavy loads. Even the elephants\’ body size makes them look tired from hard labor. The Indian elephant is endangered because illegal killing of elephants for their tusks is still very common.

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The African elephant is the largest and most massive land animal of all elephant species. They are found throughout Africa. Even this elephant must face attacks from poachers. Despite the best efforts of conservationists, this species is also endangered. One of the lesser-known elephants is the Chinese elephant. It was originally associated with the African elephant. Later, it was discovered that this was a separate species. Unfortunately, this species is also endangered.


Elephants, like other wild animals, are designed to live in the wild. They are not in this world to help humans work or play. People often capture these animals and force them to live in captivity. There is no sadder sight than an elephant forced to survive in a circus. These animals are not adapted to life in captivity and would suffer greatly if not in the wild. Therefore, all sensible people need to help stop the killing and enslavement of these magnificent creatures.

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