Don’t think only half

Mind maps are practical helpers as well as creative people. All you need is a pencil and paper. It has been scientifically proven that a person mainly uses only the left hemisphere of the brain. This is the logical part to use in normal operations. But to create really creative ideas, we also need to involve other parts. This is what the mind map helps.Pomůže vám utřídit si myšlenky
Tony Buzan came up with this method in the 1960s.Proving that this procedure actually works is the fact that thanks to the mind map it helped to solve the situation since the 11th century. 9, when half of Manhattan was out of power. This method helped participants to sort out their thoughts and avoid being dominated by fear and tension that would only paralyze rational thinking. As a result, they were able to focus only on solving individual problems.
More than just scribbling on paper
The appearance of the mind map can be likened to a spider. In the middle there is a body that connects individual branches. That\’s the starting point on which everything depends. This can be both a problem and a goal. Each thought related to this can be written down on individual branches and divided into other subtopics. So, using associations, engage both the left and right hemispheres.Důležité téma je uprostřed
If some points are related to other points, connect them with dashed lines. If there are many of them, it means that they are important, which you may not notice in classical thinking. Use your imagination and don\’t be afraid to use crayons, highlighters or special symbols such as exclamation points and question marks. It will be much clearer and more memorable for you. Mind maps are also a useful tool because they can still be edited.  
Eventually you will find that it is a complex tool and can be used for almost anything. Therefore, it is better not to throw away, because you do not know when you will need it again.

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