Computers and Functions

Do not divide the computer case, the dwarf is so small that it can not be seen and can not be detected even under a microscope.  

Somehow, the principles of computer function can be explained to children,for a basic understanding,this is absolutely enough. Later, they know for themselves that this is nonsense and that 1 and 0 are a kind of wandering, and that a person (usually a programmer) is doing what he taught them.  

Computers have many features and some are primarily designed for only 1. For example, in a factory to control CNC machines, in a library for books and readers\’ records, in other places again to something else. But in the world and in the home there are machines that can do much more, either alone or with some additional programs. Usually the purchased one is better than the one already delivered to the computer.  

So the machine can serve us as avideo player. By this I mean ordinary movies, video clips, sports broadcasts, simply, at the request of man. The quality of the image depends on what the machine can do.  

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Our computer can be used to play any music. Opera, or rock, again, we tell him what to do.  

The fact that it serves us as a typewriter probably doesn\’t even need to be written. It can be used as a calculator, logger, calendar and reminder, but I don\’t know what else.  

Anything that is not on the supplied machine can be purchased or downloaded from a variety of sources. And there are those things. For some, nonsense, for another, what is necessary.  

počítač zvaný notes

Someone needs to improve photos, so they download a program that can do it. I do not name it so as not to advertise. He edits the photo, and others wonder what it is for. He doesn\’t do it himself, but he has downloaded programs that monitor sports matches and help him bet on them. Of course, this is not understood by those who are interested in photography.  

We see that computers can actually serve almost anything. And play the game on it? Yes, this is the topic of the next 100 articles, so I excluded this very deliberately. If not, more.